Lessons Learned on a Ship

When my brothers and I were younger, our dad was a Captain on a ship named, Integrity. I remember being no more than eight, standing on the ship’s Bridge Wing, looking down the long steel hull to the water, and asking him what the name meant.
He said, “It means doing the right thing when no one is looking.”
That definition has stuck with me ever since.
Our parents would often test us as brothers without us knowing.
They would leave cookies out on the counter to see if we would take them without asking. They’d walk past a piece of trash to see if we would willingly pick it up (our mom absolutely hates littering). The biggest test was having one Gameboy when there were three of us and seeing if we would be kind to one another and share. Results varied.

And a few weeks ago, we came across a statistic that punched us right in the gut, reminding us about the cookies, the trash, the Gameboy. Reminding us to be grateful that our parents instilled in us the value of doing something good, even if no one expects it from you.
The Stat:
“Last year, there were more than 8,000 homeless people in San Diego County. At least 13% of which were homeless veterans.”
Photo Cred: @will_holder
It’s a jarring statistic that stopped us in our tracks for many reasons.
It zoomed us out of our privileged ability to not make it our concern.
When we saw this stat, it forced us to recognize a long-presumed reality that we, admittedly, previously had chosen to barely acknowledge. Our privilege allowed us to do so. We walk, run, bike, and drive past homelessness every day in San Diego, and we are surrounded by the military here. We often pass cardboard signs to the tune of “Afgan War Veteran. In need of a helping hand. Anything helps.” We may give a dollar or two when we have change or even give leftovers after eating at a local restaurant. But knowing the homeless population exceeds 8,000 people and 13% are veterans forced us to think bigger.
Photo Cred: @will_holder
We’re based in San Diego. And damn proud of it.
We love this community. And this year really reinforced the importance of community and being kind to your neighbor. We realized we could and should be doing more to positively impact a community that has positively impacted us.
Photo Cred: @will_holder
I’m a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserve.
We love this country and the inalienable freedom by which we are able to live because of those who serve to defend and protect it. I am proud to serve this country, even if in a limited capacity, but have profound respect and gratitude for those who serve.
Photo Cred: @will_holder
So, what are we doing about it? 2020 has forced us to grow and realize how we can do better and be better. We are a small company with limited resources and capital. But what we lack in capital, we make up for in grit, in our ability to be nimble, in our frickin great products, and in the incredible community of customers that have our backs.
Last week, we donated 20 Campos to homeless veterans through Wounded Warrior Homes of San Diego prior to their Thanksgiving day rush. And through the holidays, for every five Campos sold, we are going to donate one to the homeless veterans in need.
The Campo serves as shelter, protection, and a versatile piece of equipment for our consumers and we are humbled and honored to provide our homeless veterans with a layer of protection after they’ve sacrificed so much to protect us.
If you'd like to learn how you can do more to help our homeless veterans please head over to Wounded Warrior Homes or head to our shop and purchase a Campo today.
With Love and gratitude,